So I decided to publish a new note.
About what?
No clue!
But that doesn’t really matter, does it? Since when does talking about things is restricted to those who ACTUALLY KNOW about them?!
So here I am, talking about ..... well ...... eventually ........ a something...
The thing is, I have to say something, or else, I would be considered ... umm ... something...
what is it called??
Well, that doesn't really matter.
I speak, I exist!
So how about this: “Saving Planet Earth”.
Sounds good and sophisticated, huh?
So .... yes, we should save it.
Any questions?
That’s not good enough. I have to elaborate more.
So how about this: “Planet Earth is a place where we live, and we should keep it clean and nice because it’s ...... umm ..... where ....we ............. live .....”
Okay. Changing topic.
Looking around the room for inspiration.
How about fruits??
emmm .......
Cell phones??
Come ooooooooooon ... there has to be something!
Okay ... Got it!
And NO, it’s not in the room. It’s everywhere.
So, should I start by defining what “politics” is and stuff? Maybe try Wikipedia or some other dictionary that says pretty smart stuff about it?
But that wouldn't be original!
So let me try for it myself.
“Politics” is ............................. good stuff.
“Politics” is ..... a part-time job that anyone can engage in to satisfy his or her need to feel .................... something.
Okay, here’s a better one: “Politics” is an art that everyone thinks he knows.
“Politics” is ........ talking about stuff, rather than doing them.
How about this one: “Politics” is .... something people do in order to do, or avoid doing, other things.
Man! That was a lot of unidentified brain activity!
I’m done here.
Over and out!
(Basma Addeq)
(A rather old note I published on Facebook, and I'm still in the mood for .... something ...)
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